Parking is available at Berrycoombe Road! You can find it using the postcode PL31 2FP.

Ghost Experiences

Unlock the Secrets of Bodmin Jail’s Haunted Past

Step into the shadows of Bodmin Jail, the most haunted building in Cornwall, where chilling history and supernatural mysteries await. Whether you’re captivated by eerie ghost stories or eager to conduct a paranormal investigation, our immersive experiences offer something for both the curious and the courageous.

Take a spine-chilling Ghost Walk through the jail’s darkened corridors by candlelight, where whispers of ghosts and tragic fates echo through time, an experience guided by paranormal experts.

For those seeking direct contact with the unknown, After Dark offers an overnight ghost hunt, granting access to the jail’s most haunted areas, using real ghost-hunting equipment to uncover spectral evidence.

The Ghost Walk
  • Thursdays: 6.30pm & 8.30pm
  • Fridays & Saturdays: 6.30pm
  • Duration: 90 mins
  • 12+ (under 18s must be accompanied by an adult)
  • Adult £25pp | Child £15pp

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After Dark
  • Every Friday & Saturday
  • Time: 9.30pm – 2am (Doors Open 9.20pm)
  • Duration: 4.5 Hours (incl Coffee Break)
  • 18+
  • £50 pp

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Not sure which path to take

Let fate decide with our Paranormal Path Quiz and discover which chilling experience awaits you.
Your journey into the unknown starts here.

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Ghost Experiences FAQ's

All paranormal events are in darkness at some point with the exception of The Ghost Walk which are held from 18:30-20:00pm.



Our events are not sleepovers and we do not provide areas to sleep. Our events are fast moving and interactive! Find out more.


This is very dependent on the event you are attending. The Ghost Walk is intended to stay as a group along with your Paranormal hosts. Other events such as Paranormal Activities and Ghost Hunting do encourage exploration either solo or as part of a group.


Warmer clothes are advisable. We recommend you check the weather forecast in Bodmin prior to arriving. More clothes are better than not enough and we encourage layers. 

Good sturdy footwear is recommended. Please no stilettos or open toed shoes or sandals.

You will be on your feet a lot.


You may bring your own ghost hunting equipment to use if desired. A torch with spare fully charged batteries. A mobile phone charger.

Cameras and voice recorders are allowed.

You may bring your own snacks or packed lunch. We have access to hot water.

No alcohol is permitted during the event and we have a strict no drug taking policy also. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone who appear intoxicated.


These are not experiences for the light hearted. It can be scary, enlightening, unpredictable and emotional. Many interactions can and will happen.


This is impossible to answer as the whole jail is paranormally active. It is unpredictable and all areas of the jail are subject to activity.


We will give you a great insight into the paranormal world at Bodmin Jail in a factual and entertaining way. Genuine paranormal activity happens on a regular basis – nothing is made up for entertainment.


No! We work hard to ensure attachments or deep connections with spirits or entities do not happen. You will only take home what you brought with you!


You will always be safe. A lot of time and effort goes into preparing and understanding the current activity prior to your visit.
