Parking is available at Berrycoombe Road! You can find it using the postcode PL31 2FP.

Travel & Tourism

Key Stage 3, 4 & Further Education | 90 minutes duration
£6.80 Self-Guided Experience | £7.80 Guided Experience

For students who are studying Travel and Tourism at further education, Bodmin Jail makes for a fascinating case study. Your students will experience our museum through the eyes of a customer on a standard entry visit. Once completed they will then have to chance of a one-to-one Q&A session with members of the Bodmin Jail Team. This will allow your students to gain knowledge of the commercial side of the business from all aspects. This includes revenue stream, visitor numbers and marketing strategies.

Teachers and teaching staff go free.

Please note:
For the Guided Tour option, we charge for a minimum of 10 students, there is no minimum for Self-Guided entry.
Home Ed students have specific dates and times, please contact to find out more.

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