Parking is available at Berrycoombe Road! You can find it using the postcode PL31 2FP.

Crime & Punishment

Key Stage 2 & 3 recommended | 90 minutes duration
£6.80 Self-Guided Experience | £7.80 Guided Experience

History, Local History, English, Design & Technology, PSHE

There is no other site in Cornwall where you can walk in the footsteps of Georgian and Victorian criminals and discover the changes to crime and punishment across three centuries. Our Crime and Punishment curriculum -based education offering brings to life the changes in crime and punishment, offering engaging case studies and an insight into local history.  

You also receive a teach pack with 5 weeks worth of lesson plans and activities

Teachers and teaching staff go free.

Please note:
For the Guided Tour option, we charge for a minimum of 10 students, there is no minimum for Self-Guided entry.
Home Ed students have specific dates and times, please contact to find out more.