Seymac Distribution Services and Bodmin Jail have been working together to reduce their carbon footprint during the production and distribution of their marketing literature; working together for a better future.
For every local tree that Seymac pledge, a tonne of carbon will also be saved in the Brazilian Amazon via our VCS avoided deforestation programme. In this way, you will be offsetting carbon, planting and protecting forests and biodiversity in 2 continents.
Seymac's Tree Planting projects are paired with Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) approved carbon credits to guarantee the carbon offsetting. This provides robust offsetting, together with all the biodiversity and community benefits that tree planting brings.
What is REDD+?
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) is a mechanism to create financial value for the carbon stored in forests. It offers incentives for developing countries to reduce emissions from forested lands and invest in low-carbon paths to sustainable development.
The United Nations created the REDD+ mechanism to quantify and value the carbon storage services that forests provide.
Tree buddying explained
Seymac's UK and Kenya tree planting programme incorporate “Tree Buddying”. This means for each tree you pledge, as well as planting a tree, we also offset one tonne of CO2 through a VCS project, which guarantees offsetting one tCO2.
This ensures your carbon offsetting:
• is fully verified
• meets international standards – including meeting strict additionality requirements
• meets BSI’s PAS 2060 specification on carbon neutrality
• meets the Carbon Footprint Standard and
• continues to take additional CO2 out of the atmosphere during the life of the tree
• in addition to delivering all the other great benefits of the UK Tree and Kenya planting programmes.